Bookmark Embed Breakdown

The bookmark contains useful information such as:

  • The message authors username, user ID and avatar
  • The server’s name, server ID and server icon
  • The time you made the bookmark
  • The buttons you can use to manage the bookmark. See more in features


Discord’s native search has powerful filters to help you find the exact bookmark you had saved. Combine multiple search filters to get what you’re looking for. native-search

Search with Tags (COMING SOON)

Changing the Colour of a Bookmark also adds “tags” such as xxxxxxxx. These tags are based on the bookmark colour and in combination with Discord’s Native search, you essentially have Bookmark categories which you can access from the search bar!

Pin Messages

Important and useful bookmarks can be pinned in DMs so that they can be referred back to easily among other bookmarks

Right Click on a message —> Pin Message